Lost Art of Networking (‘Proactivity’ Defined!)

In my opinion, the term Networking is truly misunderstood (and poorly utilized).  The word is used so often, it is now just lip service.  But I argue, Networking is an art.  It deserves one’s committment and one’s dedicated effort to that art.

First things first: Networking is being proactive, not reactive.  It is about expanding your circle of influence with friends, family, colleagues, etc and building your resource-base continually.  You will reap the fruits of your labour by genuinely and consistently making “deposits” into other’s emotional bank account.

Unfortunately, most people continually make “withdrawals” from this precious emotional account and don’t learn that keeping in touch with people is vital; BUT they learn this when they are vulnerable and ‘alone’ and forced to react (ie they just lost their job or can’t stand their boss).

 “Networking doesn’t stop when you have employment.  If fact, that is where it begins and continues compounding…”


So what is networking and how can it really help us?  Well perhaps the best way to review the term, is to review how it can hinder if one doesn’t  work toward it.

Almost all jobs these days are via “word of mouth” – some say as much as 90%!  A testimonial about you to a prospective employer instantly puts your name ahead of others.
Tips for BOTH employed/unemployed:
–       Start now!  Networking compounds (one contact will lead to another and another!).  So reach out to old bosses, friends, old colleagues!

–       Networking is not only email but also (and more effective methods) the old-fashioned telephone or face to face

–        Pay it forward when you’ve been helped.  Always. 
–        Use LinkedIn or some professional group
–        When someone leaves your corporation, don’t snub them or think you are better.  That thought is myopic, reactive and incorrect.  It is only in the moment.

If you haven’t been unemployed, well done.  But trust me, your time will likely come.  Networking is proactive.  It makes the transition from Unemployed to Employed much smoother, faster, and with less stress.

More about Author: http://about.me/davidbartolini#services 

Consumer “Meal-Solution” Driven Ads…Please apply within.

Almost all FOOD weekly advertisements are the same old format.   Go ahead open up your newspaper this week and check them out.  There is a front page which has specials from several departments.  Inside pages have departments isolated from each other ie produce separated on one page, meat on another, a few pages of grocery and then a back page.

But why don’t retailers create MEAL SOLUTIONS for us worldly consumers? We are all time-starved; everyone is working hard these days.  And let’s face it, many don’t like or know how to cook ….but almost everyone loves to eat great food!  Simple creative culinary adventures should be available at our fingertips weekly!

When everyone is going in the same direction, there is opportunity to do something different


Majority of retailers do it all the same.  Yet they have hundreds of ‘foodies” with vast food recipe knowledge in-house.  Who knew baba ganoush went so well with a meatless BBQ burger, smothered with 2-year-old white aged cheese and fresh avocado?  (No need for ketchup!)   That a spicy Thai sauce goes oh so well with breaded butterfly shrimp!  

Please group these items together in weekly ads for the appropriate season!  Yet retailers continue to create Ads that works for them, in their department silos: grocery, produce, meat, natural value, seafood, deli, bakery, etc. 

Not sure why one retailer won’t create a solution to this opportunity. 

Always challenge the status quo. 

More about Author: http://about.me/davidbartolini#services 

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